Hi there! Thanks for checking out this page. I have a Special Offer just for you as a local real estate agent in the Hickory Metro. The Issue: We all know how important square footage is. You need it for CMA's, I need it for Comps, the buyers and sellers rely on this critical information to make decisions. So, why take a chance on what the tax card says??? The Solution: I will measure your listings for you. That's right! I will verify the square footage of your listing and provide you with a detailed sketch of the floor plan you can use for marketing purposes! There are many agents who already take advantage of this great service. Now, you might say, "I already measure my own listings." That's great! But wouldn't it give you piece of mind to state in all your materials that the square footage was verified by a NC State Certified Real Estate Appraiser? Look, everyone is concerned about liability and if you take that square footage number on yourself, you have no one to help you in a dispute. On top of that, wouldn't you rather be doing something else than pulling a tape through someone's bushes and stomping around in mulch? "OK Paul, you're right, I do have better things to do." I heard you say that ;-) So why do I provide this service? It's simple. The more homes I measure, the better the data is in MLS that we all use. That helps you and me. Also, it looks very professional when you send an appraiser to your sellers home to measure. Finally, if I meet your seller, it gives me a chance to be a cheerleader for YOU! What is it worth to have a 25 year appraiser telling the seller that they are in good hands with you as their agent? It's a win-win for everyone. "So what's the cost?" Oh yea, that part. I charge $100.00. "Really?" Yep. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose, it depends on the size of the house. But like I said above, my goal is to also improve the quality of the MLS data. Of course there will be exceptions based on the size of the house and if you have a gigantic property or one with many outbuildings or barns, etc. just call me and we'll talk about it. But basically, $100 will get you verifiable square footage and a really great sketch to use in your marketing plan. So, there you go. For $100 bucks you can sleep better knowing that the square footage for your listings is accurate ... you get a great sketch ... and you help preserve the quality, validity and integrity of the MLS data that all the appraisers use. It really is a win-win. Call me at 828-612-7272 Finally, to quote that great agent Jerry Maguire, "Help me...help you."